We proudly introduce nexus as our first domestically
made product right here in our mead, co factory.
We built Nexus to the highest possible specifications and quality. High value does not necessitate a drop in quality. As with all other REVO product's we aim to over deliver on the quality of the nexus. Handles are machined from solid aluminum, heat treated 416 hardened steel is used for all hardware. Ceramic ball bearings are used as the pivot system.
It's all in the details. We strived to make this the best possible knife at its given price point.
The NEXUS will debut with a tradional Weekhawk blade, with more variations incoming.
A variety of colors and finishes will also be made available.
We debuted Nexus in red, white, and blue to commemorate our first USA made product.
Future colors feauture purple, gold, orange, green, as well as PVD black coat and two tone variations.
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